NDIS logo with the text 'I love ndis' on a purple background.


Accommodation / Tenancy
This service helps participants secure and maintain appropriate accommodation.

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Assist Access / Maintain Employ
This service provides support to gain or retain employment.

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Assist-Life Stage, Transition
Support for significant life transitions such as school to work, or moving to independent living.

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Assist-Personal Activities
Assistance with daily personal activities.

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Assist-Travel / Transport
Support with travel and transportation.

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Home Modification
Changes or adaptations to the home environment.

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Daily Tasks / Shared Living
Assistance with daily tasks in a shared living environment.

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Innov Community Participation
Encourages innovative ways for community involvement.

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Development-Life Skills
Development and enhancement of life skills.

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Household Tasks
Assistance with household chores.

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Participate Community
Support to participate in community, social, and civic activities.

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Group / Centre Activities
Participation in structured group or centre-based activities.

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